Tag Archives: kindness

People power.


The other day when I was driving somewhere I saw some road construction workers setting up on the median strip. There were 2 women unpacking all the gear from the back of the ute, setting up signs and cones. A little further along were 4 men standing on the side of the road, staring at something on the ground.

This made me laugh because generally women are there to get stuff done! But, it also reminded me of a podcast I listened to a while ago. It was about LaDonna, who was treated like less of a human by her male superiors because she was a woman.

If you have some time I highly recommend a listen!

LaDonna Podcast

Now I am all for people being treated fairly. I know there are wonderful men out in the world and there are terrible women too. But I can only go on my own experiences, as a woman.

I know that as a woman I will most likely be paid less for doing the same job as a man.

I know that as a woman I have had men say sleazy things to me and think it’s a funny joke.

I know that as a woman I am hesitant to go anywhere on my own, especially at night.

I know that as a woman I am more likely to suffer from abuse – sexual, verbal and physical.

I understand that men experience many of these things too and many women don’t. I’m not here to be a ‘burn your bras’ activist or anything like that. I am so grateful for the very important role that men play in the world and in my life. Men have it tough too! I am just saying it’s not easy to be a woman.

Let’s just say it’s tough to be a human! 

So as the new year is kicking off, let’s do as Ellen does and be kind to one another. No matter the person, their circumstances or ours. Life is hard so lets help each other out and make sure NO ONE feels inferior!